1. Fantastic Four
Technically, the 2005 Fantastic Four film was already a reboot of the franchise, given that a version was filmed in 1994, yet never released, only made in order to keep the copyrights of the property secure (and the cast were never informed of this). Still, despite massive hype and a solid cast, the script never really came together for the 2005 take, and it was something of a disappointment, a style-over-substance exercise and little more. The sequel, which introduced the Silver Surfer, was an improvement, but only just, and was still plagued with the same scripting and execution problems. But of course, with the success of The Amazing Spider-Man reboot, talk again emerged that the property was going to get the reboot treatment. Josh Trank, who directed one of the most startling debut features in recent years with Chronicle, has been roped in to helm, and what an, ahem, fantastic choice he is. Still, the fact that the film is largely being made to stop the rights expiring in 2015 is a little troubling; this is what in essence made the recent Spidey reboot seem so lazy and derivative, rushed through the process to make a quick buck and keep their options open. Given how mediocre the recent FF films were, though, we can't imagine Trank can do the material much less justice. Assuming the project still goes ahead, which we're unsure about, then this has the potential to be very interesting indeed. Which movie franchises do you want to see rebooted? Let us know in the comments below.
Shaun Munro
Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.
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