10 Movies Killed By God-Awful Trailers

1. The Munsters

The Mummy Trailer

Upon watching the trailer for Rob Zombie's The Munsters, everyone had the same thought - "Is this a joke?'

It's a serious question. Until the movie comes out, we genuinely can't tell.

Because the original 1964 TV series was a comedy that poked fun at slice of life sitcoms, we expected Zombie's film adaptation to be corny, parodical, and maybe a little outdated.

But after watching this teaser, you would assume it was made by someone with zero knowledge and experience in filmmaking. The sets are lit so garishly, it looks like you're watching a pantomime. Due to the old-fashioned fonts, the cheesy music, the bargain-bin special effects, and the distractingly atrocious green-screen, you may think these decisions were intentionally made by the director.

But considering every joke falls flat, every line of dialogue sounds awful, and every set looks like it was made of cardboard (and it probably was), it's impossible to tell who this movie was made for.

The worst thing is this incarnation of The Munsters doesn't even look "so-bad-it's good". It's so downright cringey, not even the most dedicated loyalists will check this adaptation out, save for morbid curiosity.

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