10 Movies Made Under INSANE Conditions
6. With A Budget For The Crew's Cocaine Use - The Blues Brothers
Budgeting is one of the most important - if also most fundamentally boring - aspects of making any movie, because how can you even shoot the damn thing without knowing where the money's coming from and where it's going?
But in the case of The Blues Brothers, the legendary comedy's budget wasn't merely spent on the cast, crew, equipment rentals, locations, and so on - the production also carved out a sliver of the budget for, get this, cocaine.
As with many movies made in the 1980s, nose powder was commonplace on the set of The Blues Brothers, enough that it became a line item in the movie's budget - albeit unofficially, we're left to assume.
All the same, money was put aside from the film's $27.5 million budget to acquire cocaine during tough night shoots, with the drug being heavily indulged in by stars John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd, among others.
As such, the duo's boundless energy hits a little differently when you know what went into it.
The manic, coke-fuelled vibe on-set might also explain why The Blues Brothers broke the world record for the most cars destroyed during a single film production - a record it held for almost 20 years.