10 Movies That Might All Be In The Character's Head

3. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

The fourth Indiana Jones film might have been a colossal disappointment for just about any fan of the franchise - aliens? Really? - but luckily, again similarly to Minority Report, Steven Spielberg was so kind to insert a tiny detail, should we wish to the retcon the bad stuff from our memories. Indy stumbles into a house. There's no one there, and it takes him a second to realise, but this is the model town at the Nevada Test Site. They're just about to launch an atomic bomb; there's no way that Jones can escape, so he hides in a fridge. "Bit far-fetched," you might say: "50-50 chance of survival", would be the response of creator George Lucas, who apparently compiled a huge dossier of meticulous research into how to survive an atomic attack from hiding in a lead-lined fridge. Of course, Indy survived. But what if he didn't? From Lucas's own research, it's just as plausible that Indiana Jones met his end hiding in a fridge; he could have imagined the rest of the largely mediocre movie in his final minutes, as he died of radiation poisoning. It's an elaborate, tongue-in-cheek fan theory - one probably concocted by a fan who wished Lucas would spend more time on the plot and not compiling fridge dossiers - but it's definitely a way to ensure there isn't another Indiana Jones movie.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.