10 Movies Not Screened For Critics (That Were Actually Good)

5. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Crank Jason Statham

While many movies are withheld from critics because the makers know they'll be panned, there are some other more positive reasons for taking this approach. In the case of The Force Awakens, there was so much hype surrounding the movie's release, and it was such a guaranteed box-office draw, that the decision was made not to hold any screenings to avoid spoiling any of the movie's big twists and reveals.

It worked and the movie did very well with fans and critics alike. It was generally seen as a cautiously formulaic but undeniably exciting return to the mood and message of the original trilogy after the disappointment of the prequels. And many fans did indeed get to watch it without having any of the movie's twists spoiled in advance.

It's just shame that the next two movies in the latest trilogy didn't shape up so well...


Lee Williams hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.