10 Movies People Only Dislike Because They’re Popular

9. Forrest Gump

Sentimentality is a very hard thing to do right. It's an even harder thing for it to not become laughable as time passes. Whack a piano tune over a crying face and you can get grown men tearing up, but immediately after they'll feel emotionally manipulated. This can have the nasty side effect of turning something earnest seem underhanded. Which brings us to Forrest Gump. With its blend of comedy and drama set against a historical backdrop Robert Zemeckis turned what on paper sounds like conventional Oscar bait into something decidedly unique. The film was a smash hit, sweeping the Oscars and becoming the second highest grossing film of 1994 (it placed just behind The Lion King). But because it delved into nostalgic and sentimental areas it immediately caused a divide, with some members of the audience viewing it as a very straight down the line exercise. As the popularity increased, this, as is wont, led to increasing disliking of the film, to the point where now it is remembered as a good, but dated flick. It doesn't help that several of the film's most memorable moments (the box of chocolates, the contrived shaping of the 20th Century, "run Forrest, run") have been quoted to near parodic levels, making their delivery seem someway sappy.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.