10 Movies Quentin Tarantino Should Make Instead Of The Hateful Eight

2. Len Deighton Spy Movie

Len Deighton One of the more believable projects that Tarantino circled for a while was an adaptation of a trilogy of Len Deighton's spy novels, Berlin Game, Mexico Set and London Match. While it's unlikely that the director would commit himself to such a specific trilogy himself at this point in his career, he could very well make the first film before handing the others off to like-minded filmmakers such as Robert Rodriguez, and it would have fulfilled his dream of sticking two fingers up at EON for denying him access to the James Bond franchise. Tarantino said of the property, "I love England. It would be a wonderful life experience to have an excuse to work here for six or nine months", and though it's one I'd struggle to see actually happening, it'd be a refreshing change of pace for the director.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.