10 Movies Released Way Too Late To Make Sense

6. Bridget Jones's Baby (2016)

Black Widow Scarlett Johansson
Universal Studios

Bridget Jones’ Diary (2001) saw the 32 year old Bridget Jones, single and unhappy about it, hoping to meet Mister Right. Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason (2004), saw Bridget sabotage her relationship with said Mister Right (a stiff upper lip by the name of Mark Darcy) through an awkward miscommunication, only to melodramatically reconnect with him in the last ten minutes.

Set a decade later, Bridget Jones’ Baby sees Bridget at 43 years old and single once more, having broken up with Mark due to an awkward miscommunication. Mark’s married someone else, who is not so much a character in this film as a human excuse for yet more awkward miscommunications.

The trouble is, a third film brimming with will-they-won’t-they only proves that she and Mark are utterly wrong for each other: their whole relationship is essentially 12 years of awkward miscommunications with some inexplicable meet-cutes thrown in for light relief.

Renée Zellweger’s Bridget is now no longer even slightly frumpy, and, awkward work-related miscommunications aside, has been a successful TV producer for some years. Meanwhile Colin Firth, supposed to be playing Bridget’s childhood friend, looks every single one of his 55 years on this planet. There’s no earthly reason why Bridget should settle for a toxic relationship with this stuffy old man.

12 years after the last movie, what was once relatable comedy is now just a feature length awkward miscommunication. You’re not rooting for Bridget and Mark, you’re hoping her posh mates will stage an intervention.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.