10 Movies Scenes That Genuinely Terrified Actors

5. The Birds

The Departed
Universal Pictures

While Kubrick may be well known for his mistreatment of actors, one name rises above all others in the rankings of directors who acted as though the talent were more disposable than tissues and about as worthy of respect.

Alfred Hitchcock was undoubtedly one of the greatest directors who ever lived, and now that we have that cursory disclaimer out of the way, it’s time to talk about his treatment of actors. For a while the auteur was talked about as a notorious prankster, but as decades passed a darker picture has comes into focus which even ardent defenders of the director struggle with.

Hitchcock routinely bullies and mistreated cast members, saving particular ire for the birds star Tippi Hedren. During a scene in which she was to be besieged by the titular terrors, Hitchcock replaced prop birds with actual animals, leaving Hedren bloodied and terrified, screaming for help in the takes which ended up in the film proper.

The actress went onto continue working in film but was traumatised by the incident, and in recent years it has led to reappraisal of Hitchcock’s posthumous reputation.


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