10 Movies So Crazy They Shouldn't Exist

Bizarre and bonkers movies that have you questioning how they ever got made in the first place.

Titanic II Titanic 2
The Asylum

While it's one thing to explore unique ideas and take a fresh approach to filmmaking, sometimes certain movies end up a little too crazy to be true. To be fair, the end result isn't always necessarily bad, but there are various films that leave you somewhat scratching your head and questioning how they even got green-lit in the first place.

Of course, it's on those sort of pictures that the focus is on here, with an extremely mixed bag of bonkers movies getting some time in the spotlight. As alluded to, some of these insane concepts actually worked really well, while others didn't fare quite so well and ended up being pretty darn awful. But hey, at least even those awful films attempted to try and do something different to the norm.

From ludicrous shark movies, to bizarre superhero shenanigans, to murderous food items, and even sex with a car, you're fully covered here where it pertains to some of cinema's more unhinged, erratic, or outright odd pictures.

So, with all of that in mind, here are ten movies so nuts that it's hard to believe they ever saw the light of day.

10. Ghost Shark

Titanic II Titanic 2

Of course, we've seen a whole bunch of ludicrous shark-driven movies over the years, ranging from the Mega Shark films, to the Sharknado franchise, to the Multiple-Headed Shark Attack series, and plenty, plenty more. When it comes to the most bizarre of the lot, though, few can match the sheer ridiculousness of Ghost Shark.

Premiering straight to Syfy in 2013, Ghost Shark does exactly as it says on the tin. As in, people are tormented by a shark that's, well, a ghost. Not just that, but this spectral shark isn't simply restricted to the ocean as it's capable of appearing wherever there's water - meaning some of the deaths here happen at a carwash, a water cooler, and not even a toilet is safe.

How did this supernatural shark come to be? Why, a murdered shark's corpse floated into a cave that had once upon a time been laced with voodoo magic. As such, the shark is resurrected as a vengeful, bloodthirsty ghost.

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Titanic II
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Senior Writer

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