10 Movies So Good You Overlook Major Flaws

10. The Real Jordan Belfort's Cameo - The Wolf Of Wall Street

When The Wolf Of Wall Street was unleashed on the world some critics were quick to turn their nose up at the film, claiming it was glorifying the hedonistic lifestyle of its protagonist. Now while the film does, particularly early on, revel in coke, cash and Quaaludes, to think things are so simple as adoration seems to miss the point; Martin Scorsese is playing the same bait-and-switch he did with the mob lifestyle in Goodfellas to even greater excess. That it had fun along the way doing that may have riled some, but is far from an issue with the film. You can't fault the critics too much, however, given that the final scene features a cameo from the real-life Jodan Belfort; he's the guy who introduces the in-film Belfort's motivational speech. Giving the man a part in the movie seems to really endorse, or at least accept, his actions and even if it doesn't make you think Scorsese loves bankers, it does make the whole thing feel a little confused. The final moments, showing the gawping audience lapping up Belfort's words, manage to get things back to the point, but that doesn't take away from the very strange moment just before.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.