4. The Finale Is Another Big CGI Explosion - Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is one of the standout entries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Guardians Of The Galaxy may have been the bigger box office success, turning Groot into a pop culture icon, but for our money is was the Russo brothers' film that really impressed. Committing fully the conspiracy thriller idea that the casting of Robert Redford suggested (unlike Thor: The Dark World, which bore little mark from Game Of Thrones' Alan Taylor), the film was a thoughtful and accidentally relevant piece that had a rather large impact on the series as a whole. All this builds up so much goodwill that by the time the final action set piece kicks into gear, seeing CGI versions of the characters go up against big CGI objects against a backdrop of CGI explosions it's not the issue it could have been. Sure, it's a shame to see a movie that has thus far boasted incredibly visceral action sequences clearly shot with minimal digital aid dip into the generic Hollywood trope bag, but it's hard to care when it's this fun. It's one of the most consistent criticisms against Marvel movies and while it hasn't led to one crumbling apart at the seams, the required action onslaught means there's a limit to the identity an individual film can have.