10 Movies That Have Special Editions Worse Than Star Wars

8. Avatar: Special Edition/Collector's Extended Cut

The release of Avatar is a masterclass in how to milk a movie for every penny. After a record-breaking theatrical run, bolstered by inflated ticket prices for 3D and IMAX, the film received a bare-bones home video release before multiple special packages were released. And, on top of all that, there were an extra two versions of the movie produced. The Special Edition, which added nine minutes to the movie, saw a limited cinema release in the summer of 2010 and was subsequently available on DVD and Blu-Ray alongside a Collector's Extended Cut that adds a further six-or-so minutes, making it sixteen minutes longer than the regular film. And while you may be curious to see what these added scenes contain, we strongly suggest you don't bother. The extra time is mainly from an opening on Earth and some more development of the Na'vi, which are both unnecessary to the film as a whole; we can get that Jake was in rut and Earth was on its last legs from the theatrical cut, while we really don't need any more time with the blue cats. Avatar was already too long, mainly due to a lot of unnecessary contextual scenes, so adding more in only served to increase that issue.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.