10 Movies That Have Special Editions Worse Than Star Wars

5. Alien: Resurrection: Special Edition

2003 saw all four Alien films released in one DVD boxset. On top of the films that people loved/hated, the Alien Quadrilogy (sic) came with brand new versions of the movies. Aside from Alien 3, which David Fincher has totally disowned, these saw the directors return. And while both Ridley Scott and James Cameron's are interesting expansions of the universe they created, Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Special Edition for the already messy Alien: Resurrection was far from impressive. It's obvious something's very off from the start, with the film opening with one of the worst trick shots in cinema history; we see the recognisable snarling jaws of xenomorph, before the camera zooms out and reveals it's actually a bug. It's a cheap joke made all the worse by the fact that the special effects are so bad they would have been dated when the film originally came out, let alone when the Special Edition surfaced. The rest of the additions to the film only exist to drag out the dumb plot a little longer, with the worst being an Earth-set ending that tries to give some closure to Ripley. Jeunet has stated that he actually prefers the theatrical version, which almost explains the laziness of the additions.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.