10 Movies That Did Star Trek Better Than Star Trek‏

2. Titan AE

What it gets right: Space should be fun! So this film may have been mentioned once or twice on WhatCulture! in a less flattering light, but look, it's super good you guys and definitely has a place on this list. Joss Whedon even had a hand in writing it! Or punching up the script, at the very least. Don't let the fact that it's an animated kids movie with Christian soft rockers Creed on the soundtrack put you off, Titan AE is a lost gem of a film and one that ably commits to a bunch of the central tenants of Star Trek way better than the recent films do. For one thing, it's not a po-faced dour fest. It's fun! Of course it's fun! Space is meant to be fun! Gene Rodenberry's original series was born during the era of the space race, when humanity looked up at the stars with a sense of wonder, a sense of adventure, wondering what exciting things could happen up there. Then we stopped watching the Apollo landings and ceased to care about space at all. Like Oblivion, Titan AE's premise of a destroyed Earth and humanity being space nomads isn't very Star Trek, but the tone and ambition totally is. Again, it's people triumphing over adversity, and not at anybody's expense, and mainly through hippie stuff like saving DNA and plants. It was intelligent and fun. And there were some phasers too.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/