10 Movies That Accidentally Made You Love The Villains

7. Scarface - Tony Montana

Hocus Pocus
Universal Pictures

Tony Montana is a perfect example of where the main protagonist is also the antagonist in the story. The Cuban refugee tries everything he can to flee to America to start a better life for himself. The opportunity finally comes as he and Manny are offered green cards in return for a small favour.

This is the moment the audience realise that Tony isn’t a good man, as taking up the offer requires him to murder another resident of the refugee camp. It only gets worse from there. The two make it to America and start work in Little Havana, but it doesn’t take long for them to get caught up in the local drug trade.

Fast forward a few years and Tony is making millions distributing cocaine and has multiple targets on his back. During the final act, a full on assault is launched against Montana in his own home. After killing most of the assailants, he is finally brought down by Sosa's top assassin.

The character was already brilliantly written, with Scarface being one of the highest rated movies in history. But it was Al Pacino's incredible work that made Montana the icon he became. The actor brought an incredible sense of arrogance that bordered on hilarious and left us countless quotable lines that will be referenced for decades to come.

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