10 Movies That Aged Badly For Surprising Reasons

5. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)

American Beauty Kevin Spacey
20th Century Fox

Dodgeball was a movie that came out in 2004 - produced on a budget of $20 million and weathered a lawsuit claiming the screenwriters had stolen the idea. It starred Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller as owners of rival gyms. It also had various other big names, including cameos by Chuck Norris, William Shatner, and Lance Armstrong.

And that's where we hit the rough spot: Whiling away his anxiety in the hotel bar Vaughn's character is met by Lance Armstrong who voices admiration for what Vaughn's character and friends are doing. He then proceeds to humblebrag about all of his medals and how great of an athlete and champion he is - especially having been a cancer survivor. At the time it was hilarious, sure, but now that the whole fiasco of the 2010 doping whistle blower news broke it just seems to land a little flat.

In case you don't remember, Lance Armstrong and many other cycling champions, were forced to admit in a series of trials that they use banned performance enhancement drugs and techniques to get ahead in numerous professional engagements. Many of Armstrong's championships were rescinded, he was forced to pay out numerous settlements and return sponsorship cash.

With all of that in mind, it makes things a little more awkward when he starts lecturing Vaughn's character on doing the right thing and stepping up and not quitting when the going gets tough. And actually when you re-watch it now, in 2019, you also realize just how bad of an actor Lance Armstrong is and how he humblebragged his way into us forgiving him for that terrible delivery.


Author of Escort (Eternal Press, 2015), co-founder of Nic3Ntertainment, and developer behind The Sickle Upon Sekigahara (2020). Currently freelancing as a game developer and history consultant. Also tends to travel the eastern U.S. doing courses on History, Writing, and Japanese Poetry. You can find his portfolio at www.richardcshaffer.com.