10 Movies That Almost Had Much Better Endings

3. Freddy Vs. Jason

Freddy Vs Jason
New Line Cinema

The Actual Ending

As is the predictable outcome of pretty much any "versus" movie, this horror slugfest ends with an ambiguous final scene that ensures neither side is the loser.

Jason (Ken Kirzinger) emerges out of Camp Crystal Lake while holding Freddy's (Robert Englund) severed head, and after a beat, Freddy's noggin winks at the audience, implying the battle is far from over.

The One We Almost Got

According to writers Mark Swift and Damian Shannon, they toyed with several other endings during production, including the possibility of having Freddy and Jason drag each other to Hell, where they're suddenly interrupted by Hellraiser's Pinhead.

Pinhead would arrive by separating the pair with his trademark chains, before asking them the sequel-baiting question, "Gentlemen, what seems to be the problem?"

But naturally, legal red tape prevented it from happening, as New Line Cinema didn't want to go to the hassle of securing the rights to Pinhead. Boo.

Why It Would've Been Better

Does it even need to be said? Throwing Pinhead into the mix would've had horror fans tearing the seats out of their cinema in fits of uncontrollable excitement.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.