10 Movies That Are Actually Good Besides The Marketing Gimmick

1. Urging Audiences To "Hang On" For Stallone's Heart-Stopping Stunts - Cliffhanger

The Matrix Neo Keanu Reeves
TriStar Pictures

1993's Cliffhanger was understandably marketed on the full-throttle appeal of Sylvester Stallone placing himself in high-wire peril for our entertainment.

The trailers couldn't fixate enough on shots of Stallone's life on the line and, most famously of all, making a frankly ridiculous leap over a gorge, accompanied by the memorable tagline, "Hang on!"

Cliffhanger's award-winning marketing campaign belied the fact that it was also a surprisingly good movie, making the most of its peak-era action star, unique setting, and sweaty-palmed action to deliver a highly entertaining action flick.

Cliffhanger went on to gross over $250 million worldwide against a $70 million budget, ensuring it became one of Stallone's sturdier hits of the '90s.

And considering it could so easily have been all sizzle, no steak, it was refreshing to see a Stallone tentpole that backed up its flashy marketing with strong filmmaking craft.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.