10 Movies That Are Basically One Big Apology

7. Rocky Balboa

Harley Quinn

Though the Rocky franchise was certainly long in the tooth by the time 1990's Rocky V came around, fans still had enough love for Sylvester Stallone's signature character that it was tough to get too bent out of shape about.

Plus, with the original film's Oscar-winning director, John G. Avildsen, returning to helm, there was a not-unreasonable expectation it might close the franchise out in fitting fashion.

But Rocky V brought the original run of movies to a miserable end by diagnosing Rocky with brain damage and trapping him in a dull storyline with street boxer Tommy "The Machine" Gunn (Tommy Morrison).

For all of Rocky's ups and downs over the years, the apparently final entry into the series saw the legend hobble off the face of the Earth rather than walk into the sunset with dignity.

That is, until Stallone resurrected the series with 2006's Rocky Balboa, which effectively ignored everything fans hated about the fifth film - especially his brain damage - while giving the beloved icon a far more fitting send-off.

Yet of course, Sly couldn't resist but come back for the two recent Creed movies, even earning a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for the former.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.