10 Movies That Are Terribly Racist About Aliens

1. Avatar

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRdxXPV9GNQ This movie has always caused me problems. I love the special effects, and some of the fight scenes are spectacular. On the other hand, this film is one of the most hypocritical, morally confused films I've ever seen, to the point it takes me out of the film. It's hard to enjoy the film when you realise that this film is incredibly racist. Against humanity. The aliens to Pandora. The alien invaders to Pandora are forced to be kind to the natives. Soldiers who are picked off by the aggressive natives are forced not to kill them -- even though, after the years of conflict and tension, a few guys lose it -- as political higher-ups and hippies try to talk and rationalise with the Na'vi, hoping that, if they talk and smile enough, they'll let humanity mine for valuable minerals. They respond by burning down our buildings, attacking our soldiers, and hating humanity. And the film condones it. The military spends an untold amount of money to fund the Avatar program, just so humanity can come to an agreement with the Na'vi. Instead of doing his damn job, the idiot paralysed soldier switches sides -- since the Na'vi can do no wrong -- and blames humanity for its violent ways DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE ONLY REASON HE IS ON PANDORA IN THE FIRST PLACE IS TO HELP BRING A PEACEFUL SOLUTION TO THE CONFLICT. By the halfway point, I wanted the badass general to just nuke Pandora. The film treats the mass murder of soldiers who have probably spent years on the planet, fighting and dying against openly hostile natives, as a good thing. It's a great thing that our heroes kill untold nameless soldiers, waste trillions of dollars, and probably, in the process, help crush a galactic business. I'm sure all that scientific funding into the Avatar project will do wonders. By wonders, I mean there will be massive layoffs, families will starve, more people will die -- but hey! Humanity is evil, so it's okay if they suffer. ...oh, and did we mention that the Na'vi are all jerks? There's no justifiable reason for them to be so mean spirited. They openly mock the human characters on account of them being human. They refuse to deal with the problems politically. They don't even bother explaining the way their ecosystem works. Sure, the audience learns that the forest is all intertwined and connected, but they don't tell humanity that. If they just talked to the Avatars, they could've explained that, and then maybe they could've avoided all that horrible conflict. Maybe, if the Na'vi -- or the film -- was willing to treat humanity like people rather than strawmen, something logical or clever might've happened, but no. Complexity and nuance are too hard. Let's just make the only cool character in the movie a cardboard baddie. This movie is racist.
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An aspiring writer, I am an avid fan of everything nerdy. Movies, televisions, games, comics, literature. Anything, I'm interested. Though my real passion is writing. Maybe one day I'll be a published author with books everywhere. Who knows...?