10 Movies That Are Terribly Racist About Aliens

3. District 9

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6PDlMggROA Like The Day the Earth Stood Still, District 9 utilises racism and prejudice to make a point. In this case, the film draws from the South African Apartheid to tell a wonderful political tale from the wreckage of the canceled Halo movie. Aliens crash land on Earth, and are quarantined to a ghetto. The refugee camp turns into a concentration camp in all but name. The plot of the movie forces a rather nuanced anti-hero, Wickus, forced to accompany an alien and his son in order to get what they both want. The alien father is the most likable character in the movie, and everyone in the movie screws him over. Wickus, his own partner, even beats him to a pulp after he realizes that he might need to wait awhile before he can get what he wants. Criminal gangs treat the aliens like potions and elixers, hoping that, if they eat the flesh of these guys, that they'll gain magical powers. The general public treats them like pests. In none of those scenarios are the aliens treated with any sort of dignity. The sad truth is that the aliens themselves, after a while, embody the stereotypes humanity creates for them. They are catnip devouring vandals who wander around aimlessly, hurting people who come in their way. There are no heroes in District 9, just a corrupt system encouraging racist beliefs. Of course, the next two films would like you to think they aren't racist, but...
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An aspiring writer, I am an avid fan of everything nerdy. Movies, televisions, games, comics, literature. Anything, I'm interested. Though my real passion is writing. Maybe one day I'll be a published author with books everywhere. Who knows...?