10 Movies That BRILLIANTLY Avoided Huge Cliches

8. Explosions Hurt. A Lot. - The Other Guys

Watchmen Ozymandias
Sony Pictures Releasing

The Other Guys is a riotous send-up of buddy cop action flicks, and spends most of its runtime making fun of the most tired, played-out elements of that genre. 

And perhaps the biggest laugh of all comes when cop protagonists Gamble (Will Ferrell) and Hoitz (Mark Wahlberg) walk up to an accountancy firm, only for the building to suddenly explode.

Typically in these sorts of movies an explosion won't do too much to faze the heroes, but in a gut-bustingly realistic twist, Gamble and Hoitz are sent flying to the floor and start screaming in pain.

Gamble mentions that his hearing is shot and he's got blisters on his hand from the explosion, before straight-up calling out movies themselves - "How do they walk away in movies without flinching when it explodes behind them? There's no way!"

We're so used to seeing heroic characters just walk away from explosions, and so to see one of them writhing in pain on the ground and begging for an MRI was a twist both ingenious and hilarious.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.