10 Movies That Changed Because Of A Director’s Bad Behaviour

5. Brave

Fantastic Four thing
Disney Pixar

Now, unlike most of this list, the director of Brave arguably wasn’t the one behaving badly when she got the chop from this 2012 Pixar movie.

The film was slated to be the first release from the studio which would be helmed by a female director, and garnered plenty of positive publicity from this announcement. However, outside of this positive public perception, all was not rosy behind closed doors.

Whilst Brenda Chapman did provide the idea for the film’s story, she soon clashed with the company’s head honcho john Lasseter over what were referred to as “creative differences” and was replaced for the remainder of the film making process.

This may seem like a cut and dried case of an artist clashing with their bankroller, but later allegations against Lasseter have illustrated that this one likely wasn’t the fault of the director herself, but rather the producer’s bad behaviour.

Lasseter was ousted from Pixar in 2018 when he was alleged to have a history of sexual misconduct with female employees, thus casting this dismissal of Chapman in an entirely new light.


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