10 Movies That Cleverly START With Huge Twists

4. Avengers: Endgame

Terminator 2
Marvel Studios

Avengers: Endgame was plastered across movie news sites from the second it was announced until the second it was released. But impressively (and in spite of how much coverage the project received) it still sported a ton of great surprises for fans to enjoy - surprises that started popping up within the first few minutes of the film.

Once Tony and Nebula reach Earth and reunite with the remaining heroes, they all jet off to confront Thanos, hoping to use the Infinity Stones to reverse the villain's devastating snap from the end of Infinity War. But when they find him, the true hopelessness of the situation hits home: Thanos has destroyed the Stones in order to remove them from the equation, a revelation that enrages Thor so much that he chops off Thanos' head. The screen then fades to black, leading to a five-year time jump, and a completely different movie than a lot of fans expected.

Even though a time jump had been heavily rumoured before the movie's release, this entire sequence of events was still surprising, on several fronts.

For starters, nobody was sure how Thanos would factor into Endgame's story, and the last thing anyone guessed was that he would die within the first ten minutes. Plus, a lot of fans had been predicting that the Avengers would use the Stones to reverse the snap, and while that eventually came true, learning that they were initially destroyed caught a lot of people off guard and made them second-guess their own predictions.

Overall though, the fact that the time jump led to a slow and dramatic thirty or forty minutes in this crowd-pleasing superhero blockbuster was an almost unprecedented move on Marvel's part, and it really set the tone for an emotional, unpredictable and satisfying conclusion to the Infinity Saga.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.