10 Movies That Could Be 2018's Sleeper Hits

7. Game Night

The Predator 2018
New Line Cinema

Another comedy movie with a relatively fresh premise, Game Night sees a group of friends meet up for the titular gathering before things take a strange turn into real-life murder-mystery, leaving them to question what is real and what is part of the game. The trailers have sold the concept fairly well, balancing both the intrigue and the laughs in equal measure.

It just looks like the type of polished Hollywood comedy that does well, which is no surprise given the creatives involved. Co-directors Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley are behind the scripts for the Horrible Bosses movies and Vacation reboot, as well as being two of the many credited writers on Spider-Man: Homecoming. There is also the presence of comedy stalwart Jason Bateman in the lead, who based on the footage so far seems to be relying on his tried-and-trusted screen persona.

The rest of the cast is stacked with the eclectic likes of Rachel McAdams, Kyle Chandler, Jesse Plemons, Jeffrey Wright and more, with a late-February bow in theaters that will see Game Night as the only studio comedy in wide release at the time, only increasing its chances of success. Unless it turns out to be awful, of course.

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The Predator
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