10 Movies That DELIBERATELY Didn't Give Fans What They Wanted

7. Halloween III: Season Of The Witch

Glass James McAvoy
Universal Pictures

Halloween III: Season of the Witch is simultaneously one of the better Halloween sequels and one of the most divisive, because franchise creator John Carpenter made the bold decision to keep masked murderer Michael Myers out of it entirely.

Instead, Halloween III is more of a Twilight Zone-esque standalone horror story, as Carpenter hoped to turn the Halloween series into a horror anthology centered around Halloween night.

Though there's a lot of good in the movie - including that infuriatingly catchy Silver Shamrock jingle - many fans of the first two films appreciably felt like they'd been bait-and-switched.

Back in 1982, before movie trailers could be accessed with a few clicks, you couldn't really blame moviegoers for rocking up to the multiplex, sitting down to watch Halloween III, and wondering where the hell Michael Myers was.

As a result the threequel massively under-performed at the box office, resulting in Myers returning to the fray for every subsequent sequel.

Halloween III did massive damage to the series' commercial viability, though, and it wasn't until 1998's Halloween H20: 20 Years Later that it once again became a true box office behemoth.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.