10 Movies That Destroyed Themselves

1. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

Don't Worry Darling

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) is most people's least favourite Star Wars movie, and that is no mean feat, given how reviled the prequels used to be.

Pulled apart at the seams from the outset, the film's casting was profoundly misjudged, including Emilia Clarke, chosen for her popularity and commercial pull, despite the fact that Star Wars has historically made its bones on the back of unknowns and rising stars. But trouble really began once production got going. Original directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller were fired for not tacking closely enough to producer Kathleen Kennedy's vision -- leading with too much comedy, encouraging too much improvisation from the actors, and refusing to compromise their own style on certain scenes.

Ron Howard (The Da Vinci Code, The Grinch) seemed a questionable choice as replacement director, with most fans doing a double-take upon hearing the news, but he took the reigns and reshot 70% of the film according to the studio's whims. This included the wholesale redevelopment of Michael K Williams' part when he was unable to return for reshoots, binning his performance and swapping in Paul Bettany's half-baked villain.

Solo is also one of the most expensive films ever made. With a budget of $300 million, Disney cynically funnelled money into it because it was a "good investment", disregarding the integrity of the legacy and the fans. And they lost it all, pulling in an ultimately damning $390 million at the global box office.

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