10 Movies That Eerily Predicted Things In Real Life

7. Christopher Reeve's Paralysis - Above Suspicion

Above Suspicion Christopher Reeve

The Movie

HBO's 1995 erotic thriller Above Suspicion stars Christopher Reeve as the comically-named Dempsey Cain, a police officer who ends up paralysed from the waist down after being shot in the spine during a botched bust.

How It Predicted Reality

Just six days after the film premiered on May 21, 1995, Reeve sustained a cervical spinal injury after being thrown off his horse, instantly paralysing him from the neck down.

The depressing irony of life imitating art notwithstanding, Reeve's injury received widespread media attention and only further fuelled the much-discussed "Superman curse", that actors who play the Man of Steel on-screen tend to suffer major misfortunes afterwards.

Sadly Reeves passed away nine years later at the mere age of 52, though to many remains the most iconic and faithful screen adaptation of the beloved superhero. As the saying goes, he made everyone believe a man could fly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.