10 Movies That Eerily Predicted Things In Real Life

5. An Omen Of Decapitation - The Omen

The Omen David Warner

The Movie

Richard Donner's iconic 1976 horror classic follows an American Ambassador (Gregory Peck) coming to learn that the son he's been raising, Damien (Harvey Spencer Stephens), is the Antichrist.

One of the film's many memorable death scenes sees photographer Keith Jennings (David Warner) end up decapitated by a sheet of glass, which is ejected from a moving truck and slices through his neck.

How It Predicted Reality

Jennings' grisly demise unfortunately foreshadowed the similarly gnarly death of one of The Omen's crew members less than two months after the horror film was released.

Two of the movie's special effects artists, John Richardson and Liz Moore, were involved in a car crash while in the Netherlands working on their next project.

Richardson survived and went on to win an Oscar in 1987 for his work on Aliens, but Moore wasn't quite so lucky, being decapitated in the crash.

But that's not where the creepiness ends - the crash took place on Friday the 13th of August, and the name of the nearby Dutch town? Ommen.

It's often stated that the road sign for Ommen even read "66.6km", though this has been denied by Moore's own son and is quite obviously an embellishment for the sake of propagating the much-discussed "Omen curse." Still, creepy as hell.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.