10 Movies That Ended Way Too Early

7. The Devil Inside

Will Smith Men In Black 2
Paramount Pictures

On the one hand The Devil Inside is one of the most shameless swindles in the history of cinema, but on the other, you might well feel that 83 minutes was more than enough time to spend in this world.

The low-budget 2012 found footage horror film follows Isabella (Fernanda Andrade), a woman making a documentary about exorcisms, who in the film's third act inevitably becomes possessed herself.

At this point it seems like the film is about to ramp up for its wild finale in which Isabella's colleagues - one a priest, the other a filmmaker - carry out an exorcism to save her soul.

But instead, it all ends suddenly when the three of them are involved in a car accident, killing the priest and filmmaker while Isabella is nowhere to be seen.

We then cut to black and a title card explains that the case remains unsolved, and that viewers should visit TheRossiFiles.com for more information.

Given that The Devil Inside was made for just $1 million, it's easy to assume that the production just ran out of money but figured they'd make their money back no problem.

With the film's unfathomable commercial success - grossing over $100 million worldwide - they were absolutely right, even if its legacy today is largely as a punching bag for anyone who had to endure such a gross anti-climax of a non-ending.

To rub salt in the wound, TheRossiFiles.com doesn't even work anymore. The cheek.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.