10 Movies That Forced You To Answer Impossible Questions

7. Jurassic World - Would You Doom Multiple Species To Dying (again), Or Unleash Them On Our Ecosystem?

Matrix Pills

It's all well and good bringing a load of dinosaurs back to life and sticking them in a fully-functioning park. Whilst you'd have thought Jurassic World would have learned from the three separate dinosaur incidents of Jurassic Park's heyday, they at least managed to stick the bloody things in their enclosures and make mad money for a short amount of time.

It's Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom however, that poses an interesting conundrum - since these creatures have been created, do we have any right to condemn them back to extinction?

The answer lies in a technological anomaly - spoiler alert - namely a cloned child Maisie, who decides that since she isn't a natural phenomenon and quite likes being alive, the dinosaurs should get the same advantage. Which is fair enough really, but considering how devastating the creatures effect would be on our 65-million year advancement since they last roamed earth freely, there's a large argument for dino-death once more.

Could you kill hundreds of sentient animals for the good of the planet? Would it change if they were humans? You decide.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.