10 Movies That Gave Actors The Idea To Do Something REALLY STUPID

6. Ryan Gosling Gained A Ton Of Weight - The Lovely Bones

Scarlett Johansson

Ryan Gosling was originally cast to play the role of Susie Salmon's (Saoirse Ronan) father Jack in Peter Jackson's The Lovely Bones, yet ended up being fired from the project just a month before shooting began.

Though it was initially reported that Gosling and Jackson came to agree that he was too young for the part - being just 13 years older than screen daughter Saoirse Ronan - Gosling later admitted that it was because of a decision he made.

Without informing Jackson, Gosling - who felt that Jack needed to be hefty - decided to gain 60 pounds to play the part, which he achieved by drinking ice cream whenever he felt thirsty. And so, he turned up to set grossly overweight while sporting a substantial beard, much to Jackson's surprise.

Jackson promptly gave Gosling his marching orders, and Gosling's price for packing on the pounds without getting the go-ahead first? In his own words, he was now "fat and unemployed."

The lesson here? Communication is so, so important.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.