10 Movies That Ingeniously Subverted Expectations

9. Blade Runner 2049

Sound of Metal
Warner Bros.

Blade Runner 2049's narrative was largely kept under wraps until release, but as soon as it became clear the film was going to focus on the hunt for the progeny of Deckard (Harrison Ford) and his replicant lover Rachel (Sean Young), most assumed their son would turn out to be replicant protagonist K (Ryan Gosling).

Despite the film's obvious artistry, it seemed that the belated sequel was setting audiences up for a typically sentimental Chosen One story, in which our hero is not only conveniently related to the legacy hero but also the only person able to bring balance to the world. Yawn.

Thankfully director Denis Villeneuve clearly wasn't interested in leaning back on such a safe and played-out throughline, with it eventually being revealed that, no, K isn't Deckard and Rachel's child at all.

In fact, K isn't "special" in any way, and their kid is actually a daughter, Dr. Ana Stelline (Carla Juri), a minor character who gets mere minutes of screen time.

In an age where Hollywood is so obsessed with contrived familial links - looking at you, Star Wars - and sappy "family is everything" truisms, it was refreshing to see the rug pulled out in a way that was both surprising and complimented the story.

Rather than have K luck his way into the position of revolutionary supreme, he made meaningful change as an "average Joe," which is infinitely more satisfying.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.