10 Movies That Made Shocking Genre Shifts Halfway Through

6. From Dusk Till Dawn (1997)

quentin-tarantino-4_492From Dusk Till Dawn sounds like a movie pitched by a madman - "So, uh, George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino play two bank robbing brothers who end up on a road trip in Mexico..." - and that's before you've even factored in the fact that it randomly morphs into a fully-fledged exploitation/vampire flick at its mid-point. Why? I'm not sure there's any better reasoning at work here than "Why not?", and that's fine by me. Robert Rodriguez (Sin City) is behind the camera on this one, but this movie comes beamed straight from Tarantino's brain. So whereas some flicks opt for unexpected tonal shifts, Dawn goes for a total genre switch-up: the movie begins with Clooney and Tarantino's notorious criminals taking Harvey Keitel and his family hostage in their RV to evade the cops and escape into Mexico, only for - at the hour mark - the whole gang to take refuge in a terrifying biker bar, the ingeniously named Titty Twister. Turns out this is actually an ancient vampire temple masquerading as a burly hangout, though, and our heroes are launched into an all-out war. A lot of movie-goers weren't pleased with that direction Dawn took back in 1996, disappointed that such a promisingly, Pulp Fiction-aligned crime drama appeared to be have been spoiled with some ill-judged silliness. In retrospect, it holds up well. And, hey, at least it's different.
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