10 Movies That Made Things Complicated To Hide Their Flaws

1. The Matrix Sequels

The Matrix Reloaded The Architect.jpg
Warner Bros.

The Matrix is as wonderful, as innovative and as purely entertaining as its sequels are lost, muddled and needlessly complex. It is as well-made and well-rounded as the sequels are sloppy and flabby. It is, for want of a better world, the idealised world that the sequels WISH they lived in.

The chief problem for the sequels - and the reason why they sought to advance the lore of the Wachowski's brilliantly clever sci-fi world - is that they didn't need to exist. And in insisting that they were an organic part of Neo's story in the first place, they ladle on complexity after narrative complexity in order to distract from the fact that the story is not that great and the execution is even worse.

The overall effect as you hurtle towards a deeply unsatisfying conclusion is of being on a runaway cart as someone furiously constructs a track under the wheels, throwing in loop-de-loops to disorientate you so you never quite notice that you don't really want to be there. It's not at all successful.

Do you agree with these choices? Should they be given a second chance? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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