10 Movies That Made You Love Unbearable Actors

10. Hayden Christensen - Shattered Glass

Okay, so maybe "love" is too strong a word in this particular case, but who'd have thought it possible to walk out of a movie starring Hayden Christensen with only good things to say about him? Christensen shot to anti-fame when he was cast as Anakin Skywalker in George Lucas' ill-judged Star Wars prequels, of course, and ever since has found himself dubbed as "the worst actor of all-time" for what is inarguably an awkward and flat performance. And yet, Shattered Glass showcases Christensen in a new light. The movie, written and directed by Billy Ray, serves as a profile of disgraced journalist Stephen Glass. As Glass, Christensen is - wait for it - entirely bearable for the length of the movie, and even manages to convince audiences that, yes, he's an actor capable of light and shade. No, he's nowhere near as good as co-star Peter Sarsgaard (who steals the film), but it's a major step-up from anything else that Christensen has ever done.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.