10 Movies That Made You Root For Monsters

2. Star Wars – Obi-Wan Kenobi

Fight Club Tyler Durden Brad Pitt

Powerful Jedi master and oh so wise mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi may have had the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders but the way he conducts himself while fighting the good Jedi fight is positively Machiavellian.

Let’s not forget, first and foremost, that Obi-Wan is basically manipulating young Luke Skywalker to do the dirty work – that is, killing Darth Vader – that he himself never bothered to do properly all the while conveniently neglecting to tell Luke until the very last minute that Vader is his dad and killing him therefore means committing patricide.

That’s kind of excusable considering Darth Vader was just a tad evil. Perhaps it was a case of the less Luke knew the better in the quest to defeat the Dark Side. But conveniently forgetting to tell Luke that Leia was his long-lost twin sister until after they’d already made out? That’s indefensible. In fact, that’s some Dark Side level of twisted. Whose side were you really on, Obi-Wan?

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