10 Movies That Made You Watch Other Movies

3. Deadpool 2 - Yentl

Hot Fuzz Point Break Bad Boys 2

Though the Deadpool franchise is rife with finger-on-the-pulse pop-culture references, perhaps the single most unexpected and weirdly specific in the entire trilogy is Wade's (Ryan Reynolds) rant about Barbra Streisand's Oscar-winning 1983 drama Yentl in Deadpool 2.

Mid-way through the movie, Wade makes a crack about how Frozen's hit song "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" sounds extremely similar to Yentl's Oscar-nominated track "Papa, Can You Hear Me?"

And while he's right, it's such a bizarre comment to make in the middle of a superhero movie that, of course, it had to be Ryan Reynolds who made the discovery himself. In explaining the gag, he said:

"I had watched Yentl on Turner Classic Movies a couple of weeks before, and I've watched Frozen 700 times with my daughter. Which is weird because Frozen is my favorite movie and Yentl is hers... But I had noticed that the song, 'Do You Want to Build a Snowman?' and Yentyl's 'Papa Can You Hear Me?' sound suspiciously alike. [laughs] Some poor, hardworking songwriter's gonna go, 'What? I didn't... I didn't mean it.' I know."

All the same, this was likely the first time that many of the tens of millions of people who watched Deadpool 2 had ever heard of Yentl, and it's fair to say that a decent handful of them then went and checked it out for themselves. 

Or in the very least, they gave the song a listen to see if Wade's claim held water.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.