10 Movies That Made You Question Life Itself

2. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004)

Momentum PicturesMomentum PicturesWhat's It All About? From an Oscar winning screenplay by the creative genius Charlie Kaufman, Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet star as a former couple who undergo a radical new treatment to erase their memories of each other after an acrimonious breakup. In her case it's so that she can move on as quickly as possible, and in his it's so that he can forget the terrible pain of being dumped. As Carrey€™s memories begin to disappear he begins to fight against the computer processes in a surreal series of set pieces, which are systematically wiping the entire love affair from his mind forever. What's The Question Then? Can we help who we fall in love with? Does It Answer It? The message is pretty clear; even after wiping away the memory of love, the feelings will always remain, because it is not the mind which decides whom we fall in love with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlkCrw5FbfI

Since studying Film and Art History at University, I’ve been an actor, movie stand-in and journalist. I have contributed to a number of media websites, worked on national daily newspapers, written fiction of all kinds and worked as a gravedigger.