10 Movies That Ought to Have a Villain But Don't

8. Cocoon (1985)

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20th Century Fox

Not all films about aliens living among us have to be Body Snatchers or They Live - sometimes they can just be a band of good 'uns willing to share their immortality with the local old folks. Indeed, although Cocoon has been lost among its harder-edged contemporaries, the Ron Howard-directed feature won several Academy Awards in its time, and features a surprisingly uplifting portrayal of our outer space visitors compared to many of its stablemates.

The film sees the residents of a Florida nursing home uncover a fountain of youth in their back yard which allows them to not just mend their aching bones but relive some of their glory days. No surprises that the supposed fountain is the result of alien intervention. Little do the old folks know, extra-terrestrials known as Antareans have been using the swimming pool next door to store their cocoons, and their effluent has been providing everyone that rosy boost. 

Despite this impending collision course being fertile ground for an interplanetary war, the old folks wind up making a pact with the Antareans to travel with them back to - you guessed it - Antarea, and live forever in peace. No bad guys, no misery, no problem.

Whoever said you need a xenomorph to have a good time in space?


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