10 Movies That Peaked Too Soon

5. Wonder Woman

Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves in Speed
Warner Bros.

It's hardly a controversial opinion that Wonder Woman is a very good superhero movie for about two-thirds of its runtime, before serving up a totally uninspired third reel that feels like a soulless mish-mash of other prior comic book flicks.

The film's much-lauded high point is the No Man's Land sequence, where Diana (Gal Gadot) gets her official coming-out party as Wonder Woman, capturing the enemy trench in Belgium and liberating the nearby village of Veld with the help of the Allied forces.

It's exactly the sort of fist-pumping display of power that every superhero needs in their first solo movie, but it's a shame that the remaining hour of the movie can offer nothing even close to this.

We get a mediocre false climax against General Ludendorff (Danny Huston) and a hideous, CGI-fuelled second one with Ares (David Thewlis), both of which tick every generic superhero movie box along the way.

This is all still preferable to Wonder Woman 1984, of course, which was never interesting or exciting enough to even have a peak in the first place.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.