10 Movies That Pissed Audiences Off The RIGHT WAY

5. Delacroix's Execution - The Green Mile

The Green Mile Delacroix Death
Warner Bros.

Frank Darabont strikes again with another brilliantly enraging Stephen King adaptation, The Green Mile. As if the heartbreaking climactic execution of gentle giant John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan) isn't tough enough, there's a moment earlier in the film sure to leave viewers fighting back angry tears.

As death row inmate Eduard Delacroix (Michael Jeter) is being prepped for his electrocution, antagonistic warden Percy Wetmore (Doug Hutchison) - who (temporarily) killed Del's pet mouse Mr. Jingles earlier in the film - intentionally "forgets" to wet the sponge which will hasten Del's death and minimise his suffering.

The result is a sequence more horrifying than almost anything you've ever seen in another Stephen King movie.

Del is horribly burned as the electricity passes through his entire body, eventually causing him to set on fire as the other wardens wrestle with whether or not to stop the execution.

Del eventually expires, leaving the audience in a state of seething disgust with Percy, who avoids formal punishment due to being the governor's wife's nephew.

Satisfyingly, however, he gets his comeuppance by being possessed by Coffey, who ultimately leaves his mind in a vegetative state.

A fitting end, a prison even, for the most sadistic warden this side of Shawshank.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.