10 Movies That Put INSANE Effort Into Tiny Details

6. Building An Entire Rotating Set To Manipulate Props - Inception

Tenet 2020
Warner Bros.

You're almost certainly aware that Christopher Nolan had a rotating hallway built for Inception's iconic gravity-defying hotel fight, but Nolan also employed a similar technique in decidedly subtler fashion elsewhere in the film.

There's a scene where Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy) is approached by Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) in the hotel bar, and because it's happening in a dream within another dream, the instability of the dream causes the laws of physics to start wobbling.

This is demonstrated by objects in the bar such as lights swaying around, and while you might've assumed that Nolan pulled this off with nothing more than fishing wire and pulleys, that wasn't the case at all. No sire, for Nolan had a bar set built on a giant gimbal that could be mechanically tilted, allowing the lights and the liquid inside drink glasses to move naturally according to the rules of gravity.

The exception, of course, is that camera equipment had to be bolted down to stop it moving, and extras had to audition to prove their ability to remain seated during the tilting. Given that the effect isn't nearly as intense as in the hallway fight, it's both impressive and baffling that Nolan went to such lengths for something so comparatively "minor."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.