10 Movies That Put INSANE Effort Into Tiny Details

3. Building A Lifelike Sigourney Weaver Doll For A Brief Sequence - Alien 3

Tenet 2020

Behind-the-scenes footage from Alien 3 shows that the production team had a staggeringly lifelike doll made of Sigourney Weaver, which was presumably used for the short sequence near the start of the film where Ripley (Weaver) is recovered from the prison's beach by medical officer Clemens (Charles Dance).

Even so, considering the impressively realistic and surely very expensive nature of the doll, was it really worth the considerable time and effort making it rather than simply having Charles Dance carry Weaver for real?

It's possible the doll was created for health and safety reasons, to allow Dance to perform the scene without physical strain or risking harming Weaver, yet given how an unconscious Ripley is shown almost entirely in low light conditions and distant shots while being carried, this level of detail seems hilariously unnecessary.

Some fans have theorised that a prop this elaborate was originally intended for another sequence which was cut from the film, considering how Alien 3's script was continually reworked on-the-fly throughout shooting.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.