10 Movies That Really Shouldn't Have Been Boring (But Totally Were)

2. Alice In Wonderland (2011)

Alice In Wonderland Lewis Caroll's most famous work is renowned for just how creative and funny it is to read, so how could a movie adaptation comprised of all its most brilliant elements (not to mention an impressive cast of epic proportions) end up translating to the screen with such a resounding thud? By way of Tim Burton, of course, who sucks all the fun and wackiness out from beneath "Alice In Wonderland" in his 2011 take on the classic tale. It only takes about 10 minutes of watching this one to realise you're in for 100 minutes more of synthetic time-wasting. It's not just that Burton creates a hollow and yawn-inducing version of Carroll's world, it's the fact that he doesn't really seem to care that he has, too. As we follow Alice from one computer-generated set-piece to the next, we're never treated to anything even closely resembling a surprise. In Disney's own 1951 version, the twisted mania of Underland really came through - there was no bore factor to be found in that beautifully-animated retelling. For a director praised often for his "originality," this is something of an embarrassment.

All-round pop culture obsessive.