10 Movies That Remind You Imagination Is Wonderful

3. Harvey


Other than that statue in the yard at the beginning of the movie (sorry if that ruins it for anybody), Harvey is wonderful. Adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning play, it tells the story of Elwood P. Dowd and his invisible spirit-friend Harvey, a six-foot tall pooka who looks like a rabbit. Similarly to Sheldon in Death to Smoochy, Jimmy Stewart€™s Elwood demonstrates the power of a positive state of mind, and reaches the people around him not through sermons or force, but just by the light from his own example. Elwood is even more of a benign figure than Sheldon, as there isn€™t an angry bone in his body. Elwood is perceived as a mentally unsound person. Or at least heavily inebriated. But as the movie goes on, more of the characters question what is normal and what is abnormal through Elwood€™s uncompromising happiness. This movie is like a breath of fresh air. It reminds us to take a step back from our bad days and think about our behavior, how we treat people and who we accept behind our actions. And if you€™re a nonconformist, it€™s an affirmation.

Ian Boucher is many things when he is not writing for WhatCulture.com -- explorer, friend of nature, and librarian. He enjoys stories of many kinds and is fascinated with what different mediums can bring to them. He has developed particular affections for movies and comic books, especially the ones that need more attention, taking them absolutely seriously with a sense of humor. He constantly strives to build his understanding of the relationships between world cultures, messages, and audiences.