10 Movies That Ruined Awesome Cinematic Tricks

6. "Impressionistic" Sound Design - Tenet

Star Wars ogue One
Warner Bros.

Christopher Nolan's Interstellar received two Oscar nominations for its unique sound design, which often favoured loud environmental sound effects and Hans Zimmer's musical score over incidental dialogue.

It was an odd but satisfying choice, because Nolan typically designed these moments of sonic overwhelm to never occur when crucially important lines were being spoken.

It created an "impressionistic" atmosphere where, while watching the movie in the cinema, we felt completely there with the characters.

But Nolan took his aural experimentation too far on his most recent film, Tenet, where large swaths of important dialogue were drowned out by the sound mix.

In one scene, expository dialogue is rendered scarcely audible by the overwhelming noise of a catamaran sailing in the ocean, and that's just one of several instances throughout the film where viewers struggled to make sense of Nolan's heady puzzle of a movie.

Despite the vocal complaints, Nolan has stood firm about his "radical" sound mixes, recalling his surprise at how "conservative" audiences are when it comes to sound.

The uproar about Tenet's muddy sound mix was significant enough that it will likely prevent other blockbuster directors from thinking much outside the box where adventurous sound design is concerned.

By going wildly overboard, Nolan proved it likely isn't worth the hassle to try anything majorly different with sound.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.