10 Movies That Shockingly Destroyed Justice League At The Box Office

9. The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense Bruce Willis
Buena Vista Pictures

Box Office: $672.8 million

Justice League's box office failure is perhaps no more evident than by the fact that it couldn't even out-gross hit movies from decades ago, unadjusted for inflation no less.

In this case M. Night Shyamalan's surprise smash hit The Sixth Sense grossed $672.8 million on a mere $40 million budget back in 1999. That's 13.3% of Justice League's final production budget after factoring in reshoots.

It gets even worse when you consider inflation for profits, because in 2017 money, Shyamalan's Oscar-nominated classic would've grossed just shy of $1 billion, which is the magic figure Warner Bros. was surely banking on for Justice League.

There's no denying that The Sixth Sense, as a quiet, psychological horror film, is a box office anomaly that benefited hugely from word-of-mouth and the intrigue surrounding its plot twist.

However, that does nothing to diminish its achievement, nor the fact that a superhero movie featuring Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and The Flash should've absolutely smoked it at the box office.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.