10 Movies That Shockingly Switch Protagonist

2. Psycho (1960)

1917 Protagonists Switched
Paramount Pictures

The film that started it all, Alfred Hitchcock's chilling classic Psycho took audiences by storm in the 1960s and is still recognised as not just a cornerstone feature of horror cinema, but a thoroughly original excursion into the possiblilities of narrative storytelling.

In a brisk opening act, Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) steals money from her work and makes a hasty getaway to her fancyman's place. On the way, she stops for the night at the Bates Motel, and things take a turn for the unexpected.

Marion is slain, suddenly and brutally, by "Mother" in the motel shower, passing the narrative torch to her sister and the detective investigating her murder. The story then focuses on the horrors that surround Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) and the film goes from potential crime caper to bloody disturbing horror.

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